Is your school considering a blended learning program next year – if not mandated? If so, who would be eligible? How would it work? While these discussions echo around the corridors and staffrooms up and down the country, the past year has meant that most schools have already experienced a blended or virtual learning model, and the challenges that that has brought.
Difficulties such as displaying the lesson material to students online, the ability to demonstrate and present something on the whiteboard with enough clarity that can be seen by all, and student engagement and participation.
All of the things that can be easily resolved with an OKIOCAM document camera.
The role of technology in education has never been of more importance, as teachers have had to look to more creative and innovative ways to immerse students through blended learning.
The OKIOCAM S and T models have been at the forefront of the years’ great success stories and OKIOLABS have just released a new T Plus model with a dry-erase board baseplate. Regardless of which model you choose, the OKIOCAM brings blended learning back into the classroom.
instruction of in-class and online distance learners.
1). Simultaneous instruction. The OKIOCAM allows teachers to teach students attending in-class and remote learning lessons simultaneously. By using the document camera with a third-party platform, teachers can present the class material to online students and classroom based students through a computer screen and/or a projector.
2). Replay recordings. The OKIOCAM Snapshot and Recorder app gives teachers full control when taking snapshots of the material as well as recording some, or all of the lesson. This is particularly useful when students are absent and need to catch up – saving time for teachers by simply not having to repeat the lesson or material again.
The recording can also be viewed by students and parents at a later date, when reviewing for homework or tests, for a clearer, better understanding in the event the student seems perplexed.
video recording and video conferencing platforms.
3). Enhanced learning experience. The recorder function can be utilized to create mini videos to accompany any regular lesson material. Whether it is to explain something in more detail, to demonstrate a point, or to add that little bit of extra fun to the lesson, it is a great way to communicate something that will draw the students’ attention.
A good example of this is to use the OKIOCAM cameras in unison with Flipgrid. Teachers can record themselves asking students questions about a given topic, with students recording their answers in any way they choose to do so, getting them to think about how they might like to present their responses.
4). Monitoring development. While students are using OKIOCAM, either in-class or remote learning scenarios, teachers are able to monitor the progress of each and every pupil without leaving their desks. This is particularly useful when measuring the students’ thought processes, brainstorming ideas, and problem solving skills to show the path they took to get them to their answer.
5). Introduce animation. With amazing features like the time-lapse and stop-motion function, teachers and students alike can bring their work to life with the OKIOCAM Education tool. Forget 2D, 3D is what everyone is talking about now – teachers, grab your plasticine and let your creativity and that big kid inside of you run wild!
The stop-motion video below was completed by pupils at Charlotte Middle School in Michigan, during a month-long art class animation project. To read the full story on the introduction of the stop-motion lessons and see more amazing examples, click here.
and 3D art classes to life at Charlotte Middle School, Michigan.
6). Flexibility and compatibility. With the emergence of other EdTech distance learning tools and platforms, there are a multitude of activities and methods to increase engagement and participation during blended, in-class, and remote learning. As OKIOCAM cameras are compatible with other popular teacher tools, such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, Zoom, Screencastify, Flipgrid, Seesaw, and Microsoft Teams, teachers will never have to worry about setup or IT issues 10 minutes before a lesson starts.
7). Peer presentation. By having an OKIOCAM at home and in the classroom, students can present their work to their peers in real time to develop presentation and discussion skills, and allow teachers to monitor the progress and comprehension of each student while completing exercises.
8). Parent engagement. With the ability to record videos of lessons and simultaneously monitor the students’ development and problem solving skills, sending home report cards and twice-yearly parent-teacher meetings are a thing of the past. Instead, interact with parents on a regular basis, recording mini videos of their child’s development, strengths and weaknesses. Digital transformation at its finest!
scenario to present their work to and engage with their peers.
If you want to learn more about OKIOCAM or you’re interested in placing an order, please contact our sales team at